the food categories allowed in keto:Fats and Oils

Because Fats and Oils are your main sources of energy while you are on this diet, go for the types of fats and oils you enjoy. These may include:

 * Omega 3 fatty acids from fish such as tuna, shellfish, and salmon

 * Fish supplements or krill

 * Monounsaturated fats such as egg yolks, avocado, and butter

* Vegetable oils such as olive oil, coconut oil

* Non-hydrogenated beef tallow, ghee, and lard.

* Duck and chicken fat

In order to make it easier to stick to this diet, be aware of which types of fat your body can tolerate. Many people seem to have zero or very low tolerance of vegetable oils and mayo. This may be a good thing because most of these oils are rich in omega 6 fatty acids – the kind that is bad for your body’s cholesterol levels.

 In this case, work with the listed monounsaturated fats to reduce the inflammatory effect brought about by polyunsaturated fats. Nevertheless, work to balance both fats because you cannot survive on monounsaturated fats alone (You need a lot of fats and oils). Even then, avoid hydrogenated fats such as margarine to reduce the amount of trans-fats you eat.